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Table of Contents |
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PART I MEET THE RELATIVES: A LENS OF UNDERSTANDING ON WHY THEY ACT THE WAY THEY DO Chapter 1 FAMILY FABLES by the Doctors Rick 8 short stories in which you meet the Eight By Fate hard-to-deal-with relatives The General/The Family Trip The Judge/The Real Story of Jack, The Giant & The Beanstalk The Pleaser /Leave It To Pleasers The VIP/Bonaparte Family Reunion The Meddler/Interference From Olympus The Martyr/Santa Takes A Guilt Trip The Rebel/The Pirate Convention The Mystery/Mystery Of The Missing Man Chapter 2 LENS OF UNDERSTANDING-NORMAL ZONE We focus our magnifying glass on understanding the ways you and your family members make sense out of what it means to BEHAVE and how that affects your dealings with relatives. What determines focus of attention and level of engagement? Be Responsible Be Appropriate Be Considerate Be Significant Its a Question of Balance As Intent Changes, So Does Behavior You Can Hear Where People Are Coming From Chapter 3 EITHER/OR ZONE: GREATNESS OR DANGER The zone of Either/Or is a gray area where unfulfilled intentions require you to choose between fulfillment in the Dimension of Greatness or a relentless cycle of reaction in the Danger Zone. Thwarted & Projected Be Responsible Becomes Need To Command Be Appropriate Becomes Need To Criticize Be Considerate Becomes Need To Comply Be Significant Becomes Need To Stand Out Lens With A Twist/Command & Criticize Criticize & Comply Comply & Stand Out Stand Out & Command PART II FAMILY CAMP: A LEARNING ENVIRONMENT FOR ESSENTIAL SKILLS Chapter 4 GET TO COMMON GROUND We emphasize what you already know about successful communication, bring it into your awareness, and show you how to use it with difficult family members. Blending, The Basic Skill Redirecting Many Ways To Blend Body Blending Verbal Blending Emotional Blending Conceptual Blending Blend With Listening Styles Chapter 5 LISTEN WITH INTENTION Hearing is one thing. Understanding another. Here is a listening strategy to keep you interested in what you hear, and eight ways to get to the deeper meaning of generalizations. People Want to Be Heard and Understood Listening With Interest Missing Ws Vague Verbs Freezers Coulda-Woulda-Shouldas Universals Cause-Effect Statements Mind Reading Life Rulers Chapter 6 GET TO THE HEART OF THE MATTER When you identify the hidden elements of a communication, you gain valuable influence over the direction and quality of the relationship. Positive Projections for the Eight By Fate Reinforce Wanted Behaviors Deal With Criticism Chapter 7 REACH DEEPER UNDERSTANDING Here are two communication elements to help you avoid getting into problems with relatives, and get out of problems with relatives once it is too late to avoid them. Doing unto Others/Behavioral Definitions Come Together With Clarity/Criteria Chapter 8 TELL YOUR TRUTH Heres an important truth. Whenever a person tells the truth, it is his or her own version of it. Own your truth and set yourself and others free, with two principles and a plan. Know The Value Of Your Truth Know What You Will Say Positive Intent Be Specific Reveal the Deeper Meaning Suggest Something Reinforce Behavioral Change Chapter 9 THE ART OF THE APOLOGY An apology begins and ends in forgiveness, and creates the space for the present to be the endearing gift of a new beginning. The Nature of Forgiveness The Power of Forgiveness Give Peace A Chance Dextification Great Moments Chapter 10 CHANGE YOUR REACTIONS Your reactions to relatives are a group of powerful associations that give you the leverage to change your world! Create Neutral Turf Create A New Dynamic Find The Right Environment Gain A New Perspective Reverse The Roles Find The Right Time Change Your Mode Change From the Inside Out PART III FAMILY GATHERINGS, GET-TOGETHERS, SHOW-UPS and SHOWDOWNS at the NOT-OK CORRAL Chapter 11 KNOW YOUR MAGIC NUMBERS These numbers can mean the difference between having a good time that strengthens your family relationships, and having an awful time that damages relationships to the detriment of family. Geography Frequency Time Magic Number Worksheet Chapter 12 DO AN OBLIGATION EVALUATION To help you go from have-to, to dont have to, to dont want to, or really want to! we offer you this obligation evaluation. State the Nature of the Relative Emergency Acknowledge Your Feelings Best Case Scenario Count The Cost Make Your Best Choice Chapter 13 KNOW YOUR SUPPORT STRATEGIES There are three stages to family events: Before, during and after. Giving and getting meaningful support can be an important aspect of each of them. Lighten The Load Command Performance Good Excuses Support Your Energy Steer The Conversation Remove Some Stress Get Some Space Adjust Your Attitude Surface The Stuff Just Listen Make Light of It Learn Something Chapter 14 RULES OF NON-ENGAGEMENT If you decide to go to an event, and you choose not to suffer, then you can go with a different attitude, or go with a different attitude and behavior. To avail yourself of one or both of these two choices, we offer you the following four rules. Decide In Advance Plan For Sore Subjects Keep Your Perspective Use Reminders PART IV BRINGING OUT THE BEST IN RELATIVES AT THEIR WORST Specific Options and Directions for Dealing With The Eight By Fate Chapter 15 THE GENERAL When the General feels responsible, then like it or no, commands are issued and compliance is expected. Fable: Wolfie & The Major Understanding the General The Range of Difficulty One Bad Turn Deserves Another Attitude Demeanor Cautions Options/Let Them Be In Charge Give Them A Choice Agree to Disagree Set Up A Secure Perimeter Give Them A Glimpse of Greatness Conclusion: Wolfie & The Major Chapter 16 THE JUDGE The Judge sets a standard that no one can meet, then pronounces judgment along with a running commentary of criticism. Fable: Olivia Owl & Robin Robin Understanding the Judge The Range of Difficulty One Bad Turn Deserves Another Attitude Demeanor Cautions Options/Acknowledge, Move On Return To Sender Appeal the Sentence Go For the Polarity Response Give Them A Glimpse of Greatness Conclusion: Olivia Owl & Robin Robin Chapter 17 THE PLEASER The helpful and pleasant Pleaser, often smiling on the outside while hurting on the inside, attends to everyones needs to the neglect of their own Fable: The Story of Carrie Chameleon Understanding the Pleaser The Range of Difficulty One Bad Turn Deserves Another Attitude Demeanor Cautions Options/ See Your Part In It Create A Context For Change Empower Them With Skills Harness The Anger Give Them a Glimpse of Greatness Conclusion: The Story of Carrie Chameleon Chapter 18 THE VIP The V(ery) I(nsecure) P(erson) boasts, brags and belittles when needing to feel special. Fable: Dena and Doug Donkey Understanding the VIP The Range of Difficulty One Bad Turn Deserves Another Attitude Demeanor Cautions Options/Enjoy Them and Get Out Of The Way Start Something Else Give Them Something To Be Important About Turn A Monologue Into A Dialog Give Them A Glimpse of Greatness Conclusion: Dena and Doug Donkey Chapter 19 THE MEDDLER The Meddler thinks they know whats best for you. So they use unwanted questions and advice, to try to manage your life. Fable: The Life and Loves of Sasha Squirrel Understanding the Meddler The Range of Difficulty One Bad Turn Deserves Another Attitude Demeanor Cautions Options/Appreciate Their Intentions Give Them A Place To Meddle Meddle With The Meddling Negotiate A Boundary Give Them A Glimpse of Greatness Conclusion:The Life and Loves of Sasha Squirrel Chapter 20 THE MARTYR The Martyr is a needy giver, giving gifts whether you want them or not. Each one comes with an obligation. Fable: The Three Bears Understanding the Martyr The Range of Difficulty One Bad Turn Deserves Another Attitude Demeanor Cautions Options/Look For A Chance To Give Disrupt the Guilt Trip Hit the Reset On Their Upset Say No To Unreasonable Requests Give Them A Glimpse of Greatness Conclusion: The Three Bears Chapter 21 THE REBEL The Rebel holds others responsible for their own feelings of insignificance. Fable: The Black Sheep Understanding the Rebel The Range of Difficulty One Bad Turn Deserves Another Attitude Demeanor Cautions Options/ See Your Part Hear Them Out Propose A Solution Draw the Line Give Them A Glimpse of Greatness Conclusion: The Black Sheep Chapter 22 THE MYSTERY When someone feeling like an outsider gets far enough outside, they become a Mystery to those on the inside. Fable: The Ant & The Grasshopper Understanding the Mystery The Range of Difficulty One Bad Turn Deserves Another Attitude Demeanor Cautions Options/A Healthy Respect For Distance Check In Draw Them Out Reach Out Solve The Mystery Conclusion: The Ant & The Grasshopper Chapter 23 THE DIMENSION OF GREATNESS What follows are the top ten composite responses about what constitutes a great relative, in descending order of frequency. Value Communication Love Unconditionally Accept and Respect Give Support Be Helpful Keep In Touch Be Wise With Money Be A Friend Let Go Of The Past Be Fun, Optimistic, and a Positive Influence APPENDIX Resources for dealing with serious family pathology |
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